Thursday, February 16, 2017

Braces & Invisalign Cost In Australia?

Metal Braces
These are the most commonly used braces, usually constructed of high-grade stainless steel, and fitted to the front of the teeth
Clear Ceramic Braces
Made of clear ceramic material, these braces too are worn in the front of the teeth. However, they are less visible since they blend with the teeth. They are more delicate than steel braces, and can get damaged or break more easily
Lingual (concealed) Braces
Similar to their traditional metal cousins, these braces are fitted behind the teeth. That's why they are often referred to as "incognito" braces
Invisible Braces
These braces are built as a series of removable, customised clear "trays", called aligners, that help address spacing problems
The most common usage of dental braces are to rectify conditions such as Malocclusion (misalignment between the teeth), or Deep bites, Under bites and Over bites (as a result of misalignment between the lower/upper jaws).

How Much Do Braces & Invisalign Cost In Australia?

Just as the need for having braces can vary, so too can the costs for dental braces vary depending on several factors.
Cost Factor
More or less costly?
Type - Costs vary based on the type of braces, from Metal, Ceramic, Lingual to Invisalign
The more clearer the braces, the more costly they tend to be. Metal braces are the least expensive where Invisalign are the most expensive
Issue being addressed - The complexity of the issue to be addressed
More costly: Severely malformed teeth, or (usually) defects that have not been treated early on

Less expensive: Braces for issues where growth problems have been addressed at an early age
Geographic location - Costs are also influenced by the location where braces are acquired (within Australia)
More costly: Typically, treatment in metropolitan areas like inner Sydney may cost more due to the higher cost of doing business there
Health Care Funding - Having Health Care Plans can reduce the cost of dental braces. Costs vary based on several factors
Less costly: Long-time Health Care plan members

More expensive: If applicable limits for dental care have been exceeded
Practitioners experience and reputation - The reputation and experience of a dental practice can be a contributing factor to the cost of braces
Less costly: Relatively small dental practices, or those that are competing to establish themselves within a community
The following table provides rough estimates for various costs associated with braces treatments:
Cost component
Estimated cost
1) Initial consultation (for an accurate estimate)
Approximately $60-$80
2) Limited duration (15 minutes) evaluation visit may be an alternate to a formal initial consultation. The estimate provided will be very cursory
3)Traditional (Metal) Braces for upper and lower braces
$4,500 to $8,000
4) Ceramic Braces for upper and lower braces
$5,000 to $8,500
5) Lingual Braces (Single arch)
From $7,500
6) Lingual Braces (Full treatment)
Up to $12,500
7) Invisalign: Minor treatments Full treatment
Minor treatments Start at $4,500. Full treatment costs between $6,000 to $9,000
These fee estimates usually include the entire range of services covered by the treatment, including:
  • Fitting
  • Adjustments
  • Retention visits and observation
  • Removal
Most dental practices do not include the cost of pre-fitting consultation, record maintenance and preparatory work required prior to the fitting.

While the above is a list of typical factors that might impact the overall cost of acquiring dental braces, other factors may also influence the cost. For instance, individuals may have comprehensive insurance plans via a Health Care Fund (dental insurance) that covers all or most of the cost of such procedures.